ケルセチンとは・・・・ケルセチンは花粉の時期の嫌な症状を緩和させることで注目される成分です。 ケルセチンの持つ「どろどろからサラサラへ」の働きが注目されています。別名ビタミンPともいわれ、ビタミンCの吸収を助けます。 栄養成分100G中に赤ワイン4倍のポリフェノール・ケルセチンが含まれています。 ◆販売者 丸山食品株式会社(愛媛県松山市) ※漁師飯シリーズや、無着色ゆずピール・・・健康に美味しくをテーマとした食品の製造・企画に奔走しています。。 ◆販売者 大一商事株式会社 〒010-0041 秋田市広面字樋の下12-2 TEL 018-835-8051 FAX 018-832-8388(24時間) ◆ご相談専用電話 09014976983(24時間) 玉ねぎの皮商品一覧をどうぞ 【■お探しキーワード(*^▽^*) 】 玉ねぎ粉末・たまねぎ粉末・タマネギ粉末・玉ねぎ皮・玉葱皮・たまねぎ皮・タマネギ皮・玉ねぎ茶・玉葱茶・たまねぎ茶・玉ねぎ皮茶・タマネギ皮茶・玉葱皮茶・たまねぎ・玉ねぎ・タマネギ・玉葱・タマねぎ・健康食品・粉末・北海道・愛媛・国産・コンソメ・たまねぎ・玉ねぎ・タマネギ・玉葱・タマねぎ・健康食品・粉末・北海道・愛媛・国産・コンソメ・味噌汁・ポテト・ステーキ・ポリフェノール・ケルセチン・美容・乾燥粉末・から揚げ・唐揚げ・オニオンスープ・カレー・中華料理・うどん・スープ・自然食品・肉料理・ビタミンp・たまねぎの皮・玉ねぎの皮・タマネギの皮・玉葱の皮・タマねぎの皮・タマネギスープ・玉葱スープ・たまねぎスープ・玉ねぎスープ 【■ENGLISH(*^▽^*) 】 the skin of an onion/Onion skin/Powder/Beautiful skin/Aging Care/no additives/ /many Quercetin/Good for blood/To miso soup/Onion soup/ for 10 months of use-by date /made in Japan
------------------ ■Produced in Japan Skin of an onion --------------- Using about 200 pieces of the crust in the bag. Powdered onion skin was dried under reduced pressure so as not to impair the distinctive flavor .
■[Our boast is here] ◆it is micro-fine powder of our store boast, so you can immediately use it in a variety of dishes. ◆In the skin of an onion, there is the dietary fiber included lots of quercetin of one of the polyphenol. (Onion skin of raw materials regularly analyze the pesticide residue inspection.) ◆quercetin is …Quercetin is a component that is attention by relieving the unpleasant symptoms of the timing of pollen. Work has been attention "from the muddy to smooth" with the quercetin. Another name is called “Vitamin P” ‘ll help absorbing vitamin C.
■How to eat ※This is Micro-fine powder ‘ll take easily with various drinks and foods. ・Miso soup, udon soup (especially onion soup), put appropriate amount into the curry Then, it’s ready to eat. ・Chinese cuisine,etc…Available in a hidden taste of stir fried foods. ・Meat dishes…before cooking, it’ll be soft if you sprinkle on the meat. ・Please put an appropriate amount to the vegetable juice and milk. ・please melt a full of the tea spoon (about 1g) lightly in hot water 200cc.
◆名称 国産 玉ねぎの皮 粉末
◆商品説明 国内産玉ねぎの皮粉末100%は、国内産玉ねぎの外皮を独自の風味を損なわないように減圧乾燥した、粉末状のタマネギ皮です。
◆賞味期限 約10か月
エネルギー 257kcal
たんぱく質 7.1g
糖 質 23.5g
食物繊維 60.2g
ナトリウム 33.0mg
◆販売者 丸山食品株式会社(愛媛県松山市)
◆販売者 大一商事株式会社
〒010-0041 秋田市広面字樋の下12-2
TEL 018-835-8051
FAX 018-832-8388(24時間)
【■お探しキーワード(*^▽^*) 】
【■ENGLISH(*^▽^*) 】
the skin of an onion/Onion skin/Powder/Beautiful skin/Aging Care/no additives/ /many Quercetin/Good for blood/To miso soup/Onion soup/ for 10 months of use-by date /made in Japan
■Produced in Japan Skin of an onion
Using about 200 pieces of the crust in the bag.
Powdered onion skin was dried under reduced pressure so as not to impair the distinctive flavor .
■[Our boast is here]
◆it is micro-fine powder of our store boast, so you can immediately use it in a variety of dishes.
◆In the skin of an onion, there is the dietary fiber included lots of quercetin of one of the polyphenol.
(Onion skin of raw materials regularly analyze the pesticide residue inspection.)
◆quercetin is …Quercetin is a component that is attention by relieving the unpleasant symptoms of the timing of pollen.
Work has been attention "from the muddy to smooth" with the quercetin.
Another name is called “Vitamin P” ‘ll help absorbing vitamin C.
■How to eat
※This is Micro-fine powder ‘ll take easily with various drinks and foods.
・Miso soup, udon soup (especially onion soup), put appropriate amount into the curry
Then, it’s ready to eat.
・Chinese cuisine,etc…Available in a hidden taste of stir fried foods.
・Meat dishes…before cooking, it’ll be soft if you sprinkle on the meat.
・Please put an appropriate amount to the vegetable juice and milk.
・please melt a full of the tea spoon (about 1g) lightly in hot water 200cc.
◆名称 国産 玉ねぎの皮 粉末
◆商品説明 国内産玉ねぎの皮粉末100%は、国内産玉ねぎの外皮を独自の風味を損なわないように減圧乾燥した、粉末状のタマネギ皮です。
国産 玉ねぎの皮
国産 玉ねぎの皮