■英文 Use Crystal Clear spray for clearing and cleansing energies. It can be used around the body to clear the aura. In the environment it can clear the energy of a room or space. It can clear crystals and energy fields of all kinds. It is nice to use with groups and in ceremony. It is in a base of distilled water with a light blend of grapefruit, mandarin and lemon scents added. ■日本的解釈 オーラや環境のエネルギーを浄化します。グレープフルーツ、オレンジ、レモンをミックスした香りのスプレーです。
Use Crystal Clear spray for clearing and cleansing energies. It can be used around the body to clear the aura. In the environment it can clear the energy of a room or space. It can clear crystals and energy fields of all kinds. It is nice to use with groups and in ceremony. It is in a base of distilled water with a light blend of grapefruit, mandarin and lemon scents added.