The envelope of the label type that puts statements of delivery, and is stuck. I guard the contents well on the rainy day. With tape that the contents do not appear (I put it ※ again and cannot do it.) It is see-through with a product made in film. Long 3 envelope use ●Shipment article ●Slip protection article ●The strong adhesion ●A standard: Transparent plain fabric ●Dimensions: 145* vertical 265mm in width ●入数: 100 pieces ●A color: Transparent plain fabric ●Materials: Polyethylene (top surface thickness 0.06mm, undersurface thickness 0.04mm)How to order in shopping cart
The envelope of the label type that puts statements of delivery, and is stuck. I guard the contents well on the rainy day. With tape that the contents do not appear (I put it ※ again and cannot do it.) It is see-through with a product made in film. Long 3 envelope use
●Shipment article
●Slip protection article
●The strong adhesion
●A standard: Transparent plain fabric
●Dimensions: 145* vertical 265mm in width
●入数: 100 pieces
●A color: Transparent plain fabric
●Materials: Polyethylene (top surface thickness 0.06mm, undersurface thickness 0.04mm)How to order in shopping cart