メーカー商品説明 Handlebar cable and wiring line kit is for the complete installation on 12"-14" ape hangers.Kit includes extended clutch cable or clutch line, extended throttle and idle cable as required and all necessary wiring extensions. Dresser kits reuse stock throttle-by-wire harnesses. *NOTE: Kits are based on using 2" riser with ape hanger style handlebars. *NOTE: Does not include brake line.
適合 FLHTC 2014-2015 without ABS FLHT 2014-2015 without ABS FLHX 2014-2015 without ABS FLHTCU 2014-2015 without ABS
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Handlebar cable and wiring line kit is for the complete installation on 12"-14" ape hangers.Kit includes extended clutch cable or clutch line, extended throttle and idle cable as required and all necessary wiring extensions. Dresser kits reuse stock throttle-by-wire harnesses. *NOTE: Kits are based on using 2" riser with ape hanger style handlebars. *NOTE: Does not include brake line.
FLHTC 2014-2015 without ABS
FLHT 2014-2015 without ABS
FLHX 2014-2015 without ABS
FLHTCU 2014-2015 without ABS
商品内容 キット売り
made in TAIWAN