Eins:Vier 30th Anniversary「BE REACHED」[Blu-ray] / Eins:Vier

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Eins:Vierがブルーレイ4枚組ライブ映像作品”Eins:Vier 30th Anniversary「BE REACHED」”をリリース。この映像作品は、結成30周年を記念したプロジェクト「Eins:Vier 30th Anniversary Project」の一貫で、本プロジェクトのラストを飾るもの。コロナ禍の中、幾多の延期を経て開催された数々のライブは彼等ならではの唯一無二のパフォーマンスとなったのは記憶に新しいが、本作ではそんなバンドの生々しいまでの鼓動と息づかいが感じられるように音源のリテイクを一切行わず、リアルタイム配信された映像とは別に新たに編集されたディレクターズカットとして延べ66曲のライブを完全収録。DISC4の一部の楽曲では各メンバーのみを映したマルチアングルを採用、また特典映像として各公演をメンバーが回顧するインタビュー映像も収録されている。56Pフォトブック、三方背スリーブケース付き。
  1. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] Words for Mary
  2. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] メロディー
  3. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] Notice
  4. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] three stories
  5. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] 100年の幻想
  6. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] and I’ll
  7. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] Not saved yet
  8. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] 碧い涙
  9. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] Passion
  10. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] L.e.s.s.o.n
  11. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] after
  12. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] Dear song
  13. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] I mean what I say
  14. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] touch or don’t touch you know
  15. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] In your dream
  16. [Eins:Vier Short Tour 2021”Side Stories”@2021/7/22 Shibuya Egg Man] In a void space
  17. Interview with ”Eins: Vier / side stories”
  18. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] Shine
  19. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] 碧い涙
  20. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] メロディー
  21. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] three stories
  22. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] Notice
  23. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] Not saved yet
  24. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] 100年の幻想
  25. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] and I’ll
  26. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] Staying and Walking
  27. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] I mean what I say
  28. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] L.e.s.s.o.n
  29. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] Dear song
  30. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] Come on loser
  31. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] touch or don’t touch you know
  32. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] In your dream
  33. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/9/5 Shibuya WWW X」] In a void space
  34. Interview with ”Eins: Vier / three stories / TOKYO”
  35. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] Dear song
  36. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] Not saved yet
  37. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] Come on loser
  38. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] three stories
  39. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] Notice
  40. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] Words for Mary
  41. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] 100年の幻想
  42. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] after
  43. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] Shine
  44. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] I mean what I say
  45. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] L.e.s.s.o.n
  46. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] In your dream
  47. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] Staying and Walking
  48. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] touch or don’t touch you know
  49. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] I feel that she will come
  50. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2020”three Stories”@2021/10/2 OSAKA MUSE] In a void space
  51. Interview with ”Eins: Vier / three stories / OSAKA”
  52. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] touch or don’t touch you know
  53. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] 100年の幻想
  54. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] メロディー
  55. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] Words for Mary
  56. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] Notice
  57. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] 街の灯
  58. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] 花の声
  59. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] Not saved yet
  60. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] three stories
  61. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] I mean what I say
  62. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] L.e.s.s.o.n
  63. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] In a void space
  64. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] Come on loser
  65. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] I feel that she will come
  66. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] Dear song
  67. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] In your dream
  68. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] In your next life
  69. [Eins:Vier LIVE 2021”NOVEMBER LUST”@2021/11/27 Shibuya STREAM HALL] Liquid blue sky
  70. Interview with ”Eins: Vier / NOVEMBER LUST”
  71. Interview with ”Eins: Vier 30th Anniversary project”
Eins:Vier / Eins:Vier 30th Anniversary ”BE REACHED”

Eins:Vier 30th Anniversary「BE REACHED」[Blu-ray] / Eins:Vier2022/06/01発売

残り 1 16038円

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